A match-3 learning game that teaches equivalent fractions. 

(Currently only has fractions, the other 3 concepts are tentative may be added later)

Current Playtesting Questions:

  1. On a scale from 1-7, how much did you know about equivalent fractions before playing this game
  2. How did you feel about the block swap mechanic
  3. How did you feel about how scoring and clearing a level works (the gem collection mechanic)
  4. What was your favourite part of the game?
  5. What was your least favourite part of the game?
  6. How could the game have been more effective / what were you expecting?
    1. In general
    2. As a learning tool
  7. On a scale from 1 to 7, how difficult did you find the game? (1=easy street, 7=dark souls)
  8. On a scale from 1 to 7, how much did you enjoy this game? (1=low enjoyment, 7=high enjoyment)
  9. On a scale from 1 to 7, how much did you feel you learned about equivalent fractions? (1=nothing, 7=a lot)
  10. On a scale from 1 to 7, would you rather play this game as a substitute for learning about equivalent fractions in a classroom? (1=preferring classroom, 4=neutral, 7=preferring game-based lessons)
  11. On a scale from 1 to 7, would you rather play this game as a supplement for learning about equivalent fractions in a classroom? (1=preferring classroom, 4=neutral, 7=preferring both together)

2022/07/26 changelogs:

  • As of now the mechanics for a single level is basically complete
  • added gem collecting mechanic and subsequent level clear mechanic
  • added guide lines to pies to make them more readable
  • made the game more visually appealing
  • generally refactored the code to make it easier to work with

Things to do:

  • more levels
  • Lobby and the 2d undertale style gameplay for in between levels

2022/07/18 changelogs:

  • changed to candy crush style gameplay
  • fixed bug where the wrong blocks clear when 3 are lined together
  • fixed sprite layering issues
  • refactored the code so it's easier to work with

Things to do:

  • moving blocks while full screen is scuffed, probably a scaling/resolution issue
  • add borders to pie diagram
  • add gem collecting mechanic, where if the player collects 3 gems, they pass the level
  • add "lobby" and "level" mechanics

2022/07/12 changelogs:

  • going to revert to full candy crush style, where the whole grid is filled and blocks fall from the above. this simplifies the game mechanics and removes the "drag block" mechanic, which makes the game worksheet-like

Things to fix:

  • the wrong blocks clear when 3 blocks are joined
  • block not following mouse properly when on a resolution other than the one i use on unity
  • add borders to pie so its easier to tell what fractions they are

Design Document

Sample Log file

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